Category: Uncategorized
Nancy’s Instagram Live Birthday Fundaraiser
Raising money for Meals on Wheels. Parade of drive by stars Jane Elliot, Josh Swickard, William Devry, Rebecca Staab, Haley Pullos, Briana Henry, Katelyn Macmullen, Maura West, Scott DeFritas, Lisa LoCicero, John York, Laura Wright, Wes Ramsay, Genie Francis, Jonathan Frakes. If you would still like to donate, use the link below
Soap in Quarantine – 2
Episode 2 – Nancy, Kaore Bonell, Maurice Benard & Scott Clifton
Soaps In Quarantine
Episode 1 – Nancy, Kaore, James & Michelle
Register to Vote
Intrinsically, if you are here on my page, we are already singing the same choir song, so sing along with me. But for those that need an extra dose of encouragement, a validation, an explanation, or are just curious eyes looking to see what I go on about, this is for you.
If I accomplish nothing from this website other than to galvanize Americans to register and vote, it will be worth having it.
If I can convince even one person that it is “we the people” who govern this nation, not the few in Washington DC, and we must take ownership of that responsibility, it is of value to me.
If I can encourage most here who already fully comprehend the perilous moment we are now in and instigate them into even greater activism, that is a win for me. A big win.
Here’s the thing. My honest belief is that no one has a monopoly on the truth, and that regardless of our values & policy leanings, we are all made up of the same stuff. We are all human beings with beating hearts and according to the laws of physics, connected to one another. Therefore, it seems we should look out for each other, endeavor to be fair to each other and remain unyielding to those who don’t choose that. We owe it to each other to participate positively in the evolution of our humanity as well as our planet and be uncompromising to those who stand in our way. We collectively and individually are given a voice and a right to be heard. We are guaranteed that through our vote. It is through that vote, we are not only heard, but we have the opportunity to enhance the voice of others who may need it amplified the most. That is exactly why it is imperative to make sure that our vote is not just about ourselves, but for the greater good of others. This requires taking a personal inventory of our own values and how we apply them when we vote. What does our values system say about ourselves and how does it affect others? I actually think it is every citizen’s responsibility to contemplate this, as well as take time to get educated and involved in our democratic process. Apathy, disinterest, frustration, inability to find the time or motivation is simply not acceptable. It is not someone else’s job to fix things. It is ours. All of ours individually and collectively. Please make sure you are registered. Ask everyone you know if they are registered and if they are not, encourage them to do it. If you don’t register, you can’t vote. If you don’t vote you are saying you don’t matter. You matter. We all do. Tag your friends. #NationalVoterRegistrationDay
When I first found out that I was pregnant, I went outside and wished on a star for Kate as I did every night for years. I told her that night that I was ready for her and if she was ready for me, I’d be grateful to be her mom. Within minutes that star literally shot across the sky from right to left cementing my faith in the connection between heaven and earth. I have since called her “my shooting star”
Kate is truly a most beautiful soul. Truthfully, she came in that way. All I did was water her and love her. The joy of being her mom is beyond measure. I can say in all candor that I’ve never been unhappy even a day because of Kate. Being her mom was and is the blessing I’ve always hoped for. The love we share for each other is as we say, “around all of the Universes infinity times”…incalculable & never ending.
Sunday is Kate’s 21st birthday. Today Kate releases her single “Someday Baby” It would mean so much if you would help me celebrate her by listening to her song.
Thank you,
Nancy Lee
Donna Messina
I cannot put into words the loss that we at General Hospital feel for our beloved Donna Messina. She made our faces more beautiful, our confidence better, our sins covered ( the amount of times she lied to cover our asses was incalculable.) She defended our honor, (I for instance, in her eyes could do no wrong.. and if you follow me you know I do ALOT of things wrong) She was Sicilian in her love for her actors….if you crossed us she would burn your house down….. with you in it. She loved like no other.
Even still, we knew that NOTHING meant more to her than her 3 sons. She was going to work until their college education was paid for and then retire with her Nick. Plans were altered at 59. We wish to pick up where she left off. If you feel so inclined to leave a dollar or more, it will go to love for both GH and who we at Gh love….our Donna. Thank you so much.
Nancy’s 2018 CA ballot
I cannot state with more conviction how concerned I am for our future.
I cannot put into words how dark the trajectory of our country is headed without our immediate intervention.
In case you need a hand, I’ve done much research on candidates, judges, propositions and state measures. Here’s my ballot for midterms with some explanations for CA voters to peruse. Hope it helps.
Jeff Pearlman asks…I answer. Enjoy.
The longtime “General Hospital” star might—on occasion—ask herself, “Why is my brother not dead, after I saw them extract his liver that was used to save my daughter?” But when it comes to the soap opera life, she couldn’t be more thrilled. Or grateful.Click for full interview