
This is not as easy as it looks. I think I got close to a lip. #CovidKissing

Look what I found on my walk. A beautiful quiet empty sanctuary. Just me and the birdies. Gonna meditate. Namaste

My Kate is graduating from #USC Magna Cum Laude. Since her graduation is canceled, here is her graduation pix. Best pix ever! Well done my love.

Me at 4 in the morning.

This TV mommy was very happy to work with all her babies today. My favorite #Gh days are #DavisGirl days. @kellymonaco1 @_lexiainsworth @haleypullos More please.@GeneralHospital #gh

22 years ago, this child made my dream to be her mother come true. When I first realized I may be pregnant, I stood on the balcony of the beach house I was renting (Jed Allen’s from “Santa Barbara”) and wished on the 1st star I saw telling Kate I was ready for her & hoped she was ready for me. The star shot from right to left across the sky. No joke. Thus, my shooting star. Plz, if you haven’t already, follow Kate Grahn here and on Instagram. And @kategrahn on twitter.

My dreamboats.Took me 42 yrs to be ready to meet my true love and 60 yrs to be ready to meet the other. Had a love affair with me first, got super happy and the rest fell in line. Never too late, my loves. Love your life no matter what. #HappyValentinesDay

Alexis may be falling for Neil, but, I’m falling for @JoeFlanigan’s, Newman. #gh